Table of Contents

How to Set-up a CoCo for the First Time

Installing EDM to PC


When installing EDM on a new computer, be sure to have EDM installation zip file or CD (e.g., file, ~2-3 GB).

If EDM is being upgraded from an older version, only the executable is required (e.g., EDMTestingSetup9.1.0.0.exe, ~500 MB).

In both cases, you will need to have a valid EDM license key.

Installing EDM

Run the EDM installer by double-clicking on autorun Click on EDM Testing You may be prompted to install “Microsoft VC++ 2017 Redistributable” for (x86) and (x64). Proceed with the wizard to install both packages. Click through until the page to upload your license key. This is a file (.LIC extension) that should be provided to you by Crystal Instruments, allowing you to run EDM with its configured capabilities. Click Browse to upload the license key file. Click Next after the license key file is uploaded. You may be prompted to install SQL Server 2014, which is the database technology used by EDM to store configurations and test information. Proceed through the installation wizard to install SQL Server 2014.
Once your computer has installed SQL Server 2014, choose to either perform a Default Installation or Customized Installation. In most cases, feel free to proceed with the Default Installation. If you want to import our pre-populated EDM shaker table library (we have STI, B&K, Sentek and Shinken shaker table information), proceed with the Customized Installation. After proceeding with the Default Installation or Custom Installation, click on Finish to exit out of the wizard with EDM installed.

Connecting the CoCo to EDM

Click here to learn more about how to connect your CoCo to your PC.